All website contents © Ellen Byerrum, except as specified.  All rights reserved.
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The News from Ellen Byerrum
VEILED REVENGE, my ninth Crime of Fashion Mystery, is now available in an e-book edition on Kindle. and soon on more e-book platforms. The trade paperback edition will also be up soon. Originally published by Penguin Random House, it's the last of my backlist to be republished in a beautiful new Lethal Black Dress Press edition. Counting the prequel, the series now stands at twelve volumes, but VEILED REVENGE was especially fun to write because it's set in Washington, D.C., in cherry blossom time, and I love the new cover art. I hope you enjoy it!
DEATH ON HEELS, my eighth Crime of Fashion Mystery, was also republished recently, in both e-book and trade paperback editions. It's my only mystery set (mostly) in Colorado. The story throws my heroine Lacey Smithsonian way out of her comfort zone, into a murder case in a very different setting -- and deep into unresolved issues out of her own past.
CROOK TALES FOR TWO, the first in my new series of Art Deco Mysteries, was released last year in trade paperback and e-book. I'm hard at work on the sequel, tentatively titled THESE CROOKED THINGS, also set in the post-Prohibition turmoil of 1934 Manhattan, and the glamorous world of Broadway, gangsters, and private eyes.
I will be at Left Coast Crime in Denver, March 13 - 16. I'll be on a panel on Saturday afternoon
called "Crime & the News." My books will be in the booksellers' room, and I'll be signing
books after my panel. See you there!
My NEW website is under construction, so watch for the new website!
You can always find me on Facebook, Bluesky, and Instagram.
Catch my video channel on YouTube, and subscribe to my email newsletter here.

Photo of Ellen Byerrum © Joe Henson


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